It’s that time of the year when the team at Woven HQ rub our hands together with glee and get excited about the coolest technology trends for the year ahead.

If you’re anything like us, you love reading about the most exciting trends that are sure to take the world by storm. Let’s face it, even some of the hottest trends fall flat on their face (soundwave MP3 players - Google it!) but we’re confident that we’ve highlighted the most exciting and relevant tech trends right here.


Tech trend #1: anything autonomous

Humans are obsessed with automation! From robots to drones and even self-driving cars (a gift for anyone who’s not the best driver or reverse parallel parker), we can’t get enough. AI is at a stage now where it can automate functions that previously, required humans to perform. As AI moves beyond rigid programming models, our hot tip is to watch this space!.


Tech trend #2: AI development

Thanks to predefined models delivered as a service, app developers can now create most AI-enhanced solutions independently. Developers have a range of AI algorithms, models and development tools so that they can easily integrate AI capabilities into whatever they’re creating. So that saying, ‘anything is possible,’ is gaining more momentum by the minute!


Tech trend #3: embracing augmented analytics

Sounds super complicated, right?! Well it is… kinda. Using machine learning to transform how analytics content is put together, consumed and shared, augmented analytics is destined to be huge in 2019 and beyond. Regardless of whether you work in communications, HR, finance, sales, customer service or elsewhere, you’ll find augmented analytics helping you to make better decisions and perform your role more effectively. Best of all, augmented analytics automates the whole process: from data preparation to insight generation and more. In other words, augmented analytics is becoming more user-friendly for the average Joe or Josephine and not just something data scientists find useful.


Tech trend #4: we won’t blink an eye at digital twins

Digital twins…though they are not a new concept are continued to be discussed. In a nutshell, digital twins are a digital representation of a real-world psychical entity or system. Digital twins through the live representation of reality provides a lot of potential as it shifts away from analyzing past data towards predicting future. You can see how these twins are super handy! Current thinking is that digital twins will be implemented by organisations pretty simply to begin with before being evolved over time. For example imagine if you created a digital twin of your digital eco system including your ERP, ecommerce and CRM etc., you could know when a site is going to crash before it actually does or identify the best time to run an update or a repair configuration. Applying the right analytics and rules, responding effectively to organisational objectives… the possibilities really are endless!


Tech trend #5: immersive experiences are the new black

Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) - so far, we’ve seen tiny breadcrumbs of each breaking into our everyday lives. One thing’s for sure about all of these platforms: they’re changing the way we interact with the digital world and our bet is we haven’t even scratched the surface yet. Can you imagine when browsing through products online, actually being able to see a virtual, life-size version of items? Seeing all the parts and angles before deciding whether to make a purchase. Pretty nifty, hey?


Tech trend #6: smart spaces become the new norm

When people, processes, services and other things come together in a smart space - a physical or digital environment where humans and tech interacts - remarkable things tend to happen. A smart space creates an immersive, interactive and automated experience, paving the way for true creativity and problem solving to thrive.


Tech trend #7: digital ethics and privacy

In 2018, we saw the EU implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which saw a lot of organisations scrambling to ensure they understand what it is, the implications and if they’re fully complying. The Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme also came into effect early this year which obligates business to notify individuals whose personal information is involved in a data breach that is likely to result in serious harm. This notification must include recommendations of steps individuals should take in response to the breach and the Australian Information Commissioner must also be notified. This space - digital ethics and privacy - is a growing concern for people, business and governments. We’re definitely chartering through new territory here and people are increasingly concerned about how their personal information is being used by both the public and private sectors. If your business has any concerns in this space, it’s best to seek out legal advice and ensure you’re fully complying with the EU and all other relevant digital laws that apply.


Have we got you excited for what’s ahead? 2019 is shaping up as a year to watch for all techies and we’ll continue to keep you updated as relevant news breaks.


If you’re looking to drive innovation within your organisation and need some expert guidance, contact the team at Woven HQ.