At Woven, we’re proud of our customer service and commitment to the ongoing support and maintenance of our clients’ websites and the integration points with their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. Woven’s highly skilled and experienced support team is on-hand and ready to assist clients with their unique business needs.

For all existing Avenue customers, our support team is always the first point of contact to investigate any ERP issues. Whenever an issue has been identified or is so complex that it needs a high level expert’s attention, our maintenance team is on-hand. The maintenance team are our second point of contact to investigate higher level issues.

Our team works across Avenue, Pronto Connect and Pronto XI ERP for your ecommerce touchpoints. Each member is an expert in their field and our maintenance team come with years’ of industry experience. Whenever you get in touch with our team, be sure to provide as much detail and information as possible. The more information we receive from you about the error, the easier it generally is to find a solution quickly. In most situations, our team will need to reproduce the problem being experienced first, so that we can understand what’s happening and find a speedy solution.

If you’re unable to provide the level of detail we need, our team will need to dig through the website’s or ERP’s code to understand the cause of the error. We’ll be looking into whether your error is coming from the Avenue CMS, Pronto Xi ERP, Pronto Connect APIs or elsewhere. Again, our first step here is to reproduce the existing error on what we call a test site (so that your live site isn’t impacted). If we can’t reproduce the error on the test site, we’ll use a local copy of the live site data from the last complete website back-up, in order to reproduce the error. This isn’t ideal because it’s a long process and environmental differences can always be at play. Differences such as server configurations, specific browser configurations and so on. Once any bug is resolved or if our team requires more information from you, the ticket that gets raised as soon as a query is made, is sent back for support for Quality Assurance (QA).

Here are some simple ways to best ensure the maintenance of your website:

  • If something is wrong with your site, we’ll try to reproduce the error on a test site first
  • Ideally, testing should only be done on your test website and resolved there before we go ahead and implement the changes to your live site
  • Testing is our friend! We’ll test, test and test yet again, any customisations that have been developed specifically for your website before proceeding

And here is a list of tips to guide you when requesting assistance from our support team:

  • Provide us with as much detailed information as possible
  • Be sure to let us know which web page the error is occurring on
  • Include what user ID you’re using to log into your site with

Thanks to our support and maintenance team, if you’re an existing Avenue customer, you know you’re in safe hands whenever website issues strike. Whenever an issue does arise, contact the Woven team and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible. We’re based in Melbourne but we service clients nationally.

Contact Woven today for ecommerce ERP integrated support or to discuss any other website needs.